Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shop Stewardship

If you had asked me yesterday, I would have said that good customer service is a business tactic, not an example of Christian stewardship. But this morning, I believe I saw the face of Christ at the auto repair shop.

When I walked into the shop, the mechanic (let's call him Charles) didn't look at me and see dollar signs. Charles looked at me and saw a mom worried whether her car would make it to her son's tee ball game this afternoon. He saw a wife who couldn't ask her husband to take the afternoon off to deal with the Check Engine light. He saw a child of God looking for help.

Charles responded to what he saw in my face by checking my car right away and offering me a temporary solution until he has time to fix the problem completely in a few days. He used his talents to show compassion to a neighbor - and isn't that what stewardship is all about?

By providing such great customer service, Charles gave my son the gift of playing tee ball on a gorgeous spring afternoon and gave my husband the gift of one less worry on a busy work day. And, Charles gave me the gift of understanding that stewardship takes many different forms and that Christ has many different faces here in this world.

I don't know whether Charles is a Catholic or a Christian or an agnostic or an atheist. But whatever he believes, what he did today showed me a lot about how God works through each one of us. Thank you, Charles and thank you, God.